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From: John Gross <jgross@amblinimaging.mca.com>
To: "'owner-lightwave'" <lightwave@webcom.com>
Subject: RE: LWPRO
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 95 11:36:00 PDT
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>> Would subscribing to LWPro be as applicable to a PC user as it is to an
>> Amiga user? That is, is LW the same across the various platforms?
RLH> Lightwave is Lightwave no matter what platform it sits on. Lightwave
RLH> Pro is an indespenseable tool that I find myself constantly refering
But what is LightWave Pro ?
LightWavePRO is a monthly newsletter (but really more of a journal)
including tips, tutorials, and other very useful LightWave information.
You can subscribe by getting in touch with:
Avid Media Group
273 North Mathilda Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
John Gross,
editor, LWPRO
John Gross <jgross@amblinimaging.mca.com> sent this message.
To Post a Message : lightwave@webcom.com
Un/Subscription Requests To : lightwave-request@webcom.com
(DIGEST) or : lightwave-digest-request@webcom.com
Administrative Items To : owner-lightwave@webcom.com